SPEnglish Level 1

SPEnglish Level 1 is a program designed for those who have never ever spoken English with comfort. It concentrates on comprehension and basic communication skills of the student. It works on his mind, his fears, inhibitions, and helps build his confidence and also turns him into a communicator in the language of English.


Anyone who hesitates to speak English due to fear of mistakes or lack of confidence in their command over the language.

Why SPEnglish Level 1?

SPEnglish is an Online mentorship Program for English Language Acquisition. National Level survey shows that 67% of Indian graduates cannot speak English, 93% do not have the communication and soft skills that are commensurate with the job expectations in the corporate world.

SPEnglish is a mentorship program that is unique as we believe that besides grammar, there are many others factors which decides your spoken language proficiency. Languages are not learned, they are acquired. It simply helps the person acquire the language by unique strategies designed by linguists and cognitive psychologists. It ensures a 100% success rate. SPEnglish is also unique because it works on the mind of the student, confronting them with their inhibitions and helps build confidence and enables them to acquire basic communication skills.

Mode Of Delivery



Transform the eligible candidates to speak in English with confidence.


3 Months

Components of the Program

Live Sessions with a dedicated Facilitator
Activity with regular follow up
Recorded Videos with activities
Recorded Audios with Activities

Course Fees

Rs. 13000

Rs. 10,395

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