SPEnglish Level 2

SPEnglish level 2 is a communication program for those who already possess basic spoken English skills.
It helps the student build their communication skills to the level that a corporate job demands of them. It helps them understand idioms, and master it so that even the language of their international counterparts is within their grasp. The program is naturally designed to neutralize any native accent so that the participant is ready to face his international clients and is prepared for greater responsibilities.


This program is for working professionals as well as for anyone with basic English skills and a desire to raise their own level of communicative English.

Why SPEnglish Level 2?

SPEnglish level 2 is a communication program for those who already possess basic spoken English skills. It helps the student build their communication skills to the level that a corporate job demands of them.

It helps them neutralize their accent through specific techniques that have been developed through research. SPEnglish Level 2 is the right tool for the working professional to scale up the ladder and reach the heights which everyone aspires to be.

Mode Of Delivery



Master advanced communicative English


3 Months

Components of the Program

Live Sessions with a dedicated Facilitator
Activity with regular follow up
Recorded Videos with activities
Recorded Audios with Activities

Course Fees

Rs. 18000

Rs. 14,395

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